DIGITOMATE Digital transformation for the management of sustainability in agricultural holdings

Project approved in the AEI 2022a aid line.

Project description and objectives:

Recently, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism MINCOTUR approved the financing for the AEI – DIGITOMATE Project, aimed at the digital transformation of the sector to achieve the optimization and reduction of inputs and environmental footprint in tomato cultivation. Through the digitalization of the resource management processes and the sectoral transfer, the bases will be established for a sustainable tomato management system.

The project includes the development of a transferable and advanced data management model on farms with the aim of modeling the use of dynamic fertilization and water balances, which will allow optimizing the use of resources, thanks to innovative low-frequency sensors. cost and integration of cloud data into an agronomic management software system.

The DIGITOMATE project is included in the framework of aid for AEIS Innovative Business Associations 2022. In this case, the consortium is led by the NAGRIFOOD Agri-food Cluster (Navarre) with the participation of the Aragonese Food Cluster (ARAGÓN INNOVALIMENT) and the Navarra agri-food companies GRUPO AN and the Union of Farmers and Ranchers of Navarra (UAGN) and the technological SMEs I3I (Navarra) and SMART LEAN SOLUTIONS (Navarra). The Clusters will disseminate the technology and the results obtained to their associates with similar problems.

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